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Overwintering Pests

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What You Need To Realize About Overwintering Pests

Although you’ve likely encountered some overwintering pests, you may not fully understand what overwintering pests are. Overwintering pests do not want to be outside during the cold, winter months, so they’ll need to take shelter to survive. Some can hide behind tree bark, but others are interested in sneaking inside of your home. Overwintering pests aren’t usually dangerous but they’ll still create issues for Dallas residents.

Which Pests Overwinter In Dallas?

Dallas is home to several overwintering pests. Below, you’ll find descriptions of some of the most common overwintering pests in Dallas and nearby cities.

Boxelder Bugs

First, you may encounter boxelder bugs. When the temperatures are high, these pests are going to stay outside and consume tree seeds. They prefer boxelder tree seeds and maple tree seeds. Before winter arrives, these bugs will quickly search for ways to enter your home. They’re half an inch in length so they can easily sneak into your home using the smallest gaps and cracks. They won’t create too many issues since they don’t bite, transmit disease, or damage your property. Still, they’re a nuisance and they can leave a bad smell when crushed.


Most Dallas residents do not see ladybugs as problems since they’re cute. However, some ladybugs can create problems when winter arrives. Once it gets cold, the Asian Lady Beetle will search for ways to sneak inside of your home. Since they’re so small, they don’t need large gaps. They’re not going to destroy your property but some bite. Another thing to note is that crushing them will make your home stink.

Cluster Flies

Cluster flies usually stay out after they’ve left their host. The larvae leave the earthworm host and begin living outside. From that point forward, cluster flies want to stay outside. However, they do not like cold temperatures. When Dallas gets cold during the winter months, cluster flies need to find a way to shelter away from the cold weather. To achieve this goal, they may cluster behind loose bark or wood shingles. Alternatively, they might find a way to enter your home. If they’ve entered your home, you’ll know it when the temperatures increase.

The flies will cluster and try to leave your home. The size of their group may concern you.

Leaf-Footed Pine Seed Bugs

Leaf-footed pine seed bugs are one of the largest overwintering pests. They grow up to three-quarters while producing a new generation every year. They like staying outside and eating pine cones when the weather is nice. They’ll rush to enter your home when the temperatures drop. If your home has small openings, you likely won’t be able to act fast enough to keep them outside. Once the warm temperatures return, these pests will leave their hiding places and return outside. Since their so large, their presence will concern you. Just remember that they’re not dangerous or aggressive.

Stink Bugs

Finally, you’ll likely find adult brown marmorated stink bugs around your Dallas property. These half-inch bugs have a back that is shaped like a shield. These overwintering pests haven’t been in the United States long, but they’ve become one of the most common overwintering pests. They’re native to Asia with the first stink  bug being found in Pennsylvania in the mid-90s. They stay outside during the warm months and consume plants, crops, and fruit trees.

Before winter, lots of stink bugs will begin looking for a way to enter your property. They shouldn’t keep you up at night since they don’t bite or destroy your property. Don’t stomp on them because they’ll produce a bad odor and make your room smell horrible.

Signs You Have An Overwintering Problem

How can you know that you have an verwintering pestproblem? The best way to find out is to wait until spring arrives because the bugs will be ready to go outside. When spring brings warmer weather, the bugs will leave their hiding places and go outside. You’ll see many stink bugs, pine seed bugs, and boxelder bugs exiting your home. They don’t want to stay inside, so you should guide them outside.

Blocking Overwintering Pests From Entering Your Home

One of the best ways to deal with overwintering pests is by stopping them from sneaking into your home in the first place. Unfortunately, this won’t be easy either. You can stop some of them though. You need to carefully check your home’s exterior walls, windows, and doors to make sure they do not have gaps or holes. By sealing these gaps, you can stop overwintering pests, cockroaches, bedbugs, and rodents from entering your home.

Small Entry Points To Check

Start by looking for small gaps and crevices around your home. Search your exterior walls and fill any gaps that you find. Doing so will minimize the risk that overwintering pests will enter your home this winter.

Pay For Professional Exterior Barrier Treatment

Contact our office and ask about our protective exterior barrier treatments. We use high-quality, long-lasting products to prevent overwintering pests from approaching your home. The products are specifically designed for the purpose of eliminating infestations. They have a long life so they’ll continue protecting your home for many months to come.

Common Entry Points For Overwintering Pests


Does your home have bricks? If so, there is a good chance that those bricks have gaps. Bricks tend to have small gaps where they meet molding and siding. The gap is located in the middle of the bricks. Thankfully, this is an easy entry point to block. Grab some sealant and use it to stop overwintering pests from entering your attic.

Check Your Windows

Next, check your window frames. Make sure that the top, sides, and bottom of the window frame. It is pertinent to ensure that all sides have been properly sealed. It is common for workers to leave the bottom of the windows unsealed since water usually doesn’t enter that way. If the bottom or any side hasn’t been caulked, fix that. Use caulk to properly seal the window and keep the overwintering pests out.

Top At The Clapboard

Check around the top of your home. The clapboard has an uneven surface that will leave gaps near the fascia. It may look like a small gap, but overwintering pests can use these gaps to enter your home. You can fix the gap using a caulk. However, you can save yourself some time by using a foam insulating cord.

Soffit/Attic Vents

Your attic has several vents and they should be protected by a screen. However, the screen may not last forever. A tree limb might fall and tear a hole in the screen. Once that happens, bugs and other pests will be able to climb through the hole and enter your attic. From there, they can freely roam your home. Check the screens to make sure they’re in great condition. If they’re not, buy replacement screens.

Utility Pipes & Cables

You love your utilities since they give you access to water and electricity. Vents, pipes, electrical cords, and cables have to enter your home somewhere. They might enter through the basement or the side of the home. If the entry point is not properly sealed, bugs are likely sneaking into your home through the small gap. Although you can use other products to fill in these gaps, we recommend using pot scrubbers. Using a used pot scrubber is best because used scrubbers are more flexible. You’ll have no trouble pushing the scrubber into the hole.

Although this advice can stop overwintering pests from entering your home, some might still find a way inside. If this happens and you find overwintering pests in your home, contact us so we can fix the problem rapidly. Our extermination company in Dallas offers cost-effective solutions for eliminating overwintering pests in your home. Furthermore, we’ll help you defend your home from future overwintering pest infestations.

Contact us today, and we should be able to contact you back in 24 to 48 hours.

How To Seal All Exterior-To-Interior Access Points?

There are several ways to seal access points utilized by the occasional invader. These insects are small, allowing them to access small cracks, crevices, gaps, and other openings. We highly recommend utilizing materials that are durable and offer longevity to eliminate the need to reseal more than once a year. Do not stop until every access point is completely sealed. You will pat yourself on the back next fall when your neighbor’s homes are being invaded by these insects and your home remains pest-free.

Seal Small Access Points Around Doors And Windows

  • Waterproof sealants like caulk and silicone
  • Wood putty or filler

What Over-The-Counter Products Can Be Utilized To Seal Off Large Access Points?

  • Stainless steel pot scrubbers
  • Plywood sheeting customized to fit
  • Foam insulation
  • Heavy-duty hardware screen material
  • Aluminum rolled screening

Be sure to inquire about same-day and emergency pest control services. We believe all of our services are fairly priced. We recommend requesting a free estimate to satisfy your curiosity.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

We Accept:
Overwintering Pest (Cluster Flies)